Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Birdsong Trail in Ogden

This is where you start in the Rainbow Gardens parking lot.
We found a new urban hike this week called Birdsong Trail. The trail begins near the mouth of Ogden Canyon and ends in a neighborhood in East Ogden. There were a lot of people hiking on this trail, and we passed several groups, even though we hiked in the middle of the day-- it was around 100 degrees F! We would recommend hiking this trail in the morning or evening in order to maximize the shade of the trees.

This trail begins in a very shady area. We felt like it was almost tropical with big leaves and birds flitting around. Then you head up the hill a bit where you are out in the brush. When you get to the top, you can head left back toward the mountain, or you can walk around the rim on the right. The rim trail meets up with the other trail again. It's just a little side trip, but there is no shade.

The nice shady part!

Walking around the rim
Once you are hiking back by the trees. You follow the path for just a short bit before coming to a bench and a little waterfall.  Then it's a quick walk to the end of the trail at a dead end street. You can hike this trail from either side, and if you are lucky enough to be with two cars, you can leave one at the end. It's a one-way one mile hike.

To get to Birdsong Trail, take the 12th street exit in Ogden. This road goes east into Ogden Canyon (after several miles). Before going into the canyon, turn right on Valley Drive toward the Dinosaur Park. Rainbow Gardens is on your left and you need to pull into the parking lot. In the opposite corner from the restaurant, there is a sign that says Rainbow Trail. This is the trailhead. A few minutes after starting here, you will see a sign pointing you to Birdsong Trail. If you want to start from the other side, you need to take 21st street and then turn north on Fillmore. The trail starts where Fillmore and 20th Street meet.

This is the sign to watch for after beginning at Rainbow Trail.
Head right onto Birdsong Trail.

This is the start from 20th and Fillmore.

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