Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mirror Lake Hike

Getting ready to start the Mirror Lake hike
Mirror Lake is obviously located on the Mirror Lake Highway. It’s quite a ways up into the Uintah Mountains, 31.2 miles to the turn off, but the lake and hike were beautiful. The hike is a 1.5 mile loop around the lake. It follows the shoreline, so it is definitely easy. Flat and simple—there are even boardwalks over the marshy stuff. The hike was not stroller friendly, though it was flat. It's just too rocky. You'll notice our stroller in the pictures, but Dad ended up carrying it over some stretches, and the baby was white-knuckling it for much of the way. Definitely go with the baby backpack here.

There are boardwalks in some sections.
There is a campground at Mirror Lake if you like camping, and there were people fishing, hiking, camping, and boating on Mirror Lake (motorless boats only). In fact, it was Grand Central Station of the Uintahs even on a weekday.

There are a few interpretive signs on this hike that talk about the different animals you might see. There are also plenty of picturesque places along this hike because it is situated in the high alpine mountains, so don’t forget your camera. If you go in the morning or evening, you might need a jacket even in July. This hike is around 10,000 feet.

It's beautiful here. You can also see a small boat heading out into the lake.

When you turn into the Mirror Lake area from the highway, head toward the campground. Turn left just before the campground and park at the boat launch. You will see some bathrooms and the hike starts right past them with a large sign. (Don’t follow the road signs that says trailhead. That is for other super long hikes!)

The side near the campground has some interpretive signs and this log.

A sign about the animals you can see at Mirror Lake.

If you drive all the way up the Mirror Lake, check out Fehr Lake, too. It’s only .5 miles to the lake and it’s just as beautiful, and be sure to stop at Provo River Falls.

The Mirror Lake Highway is a fee area ($6).

One end of Mirror Lake...see the rocky trail.

The other end of Mirror Lake...on the boardwalk.

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