Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Provo River Falls

The Provo River is divided into 3 sections. The Upper Provo collects in the Uintah Mountains and runs from there down to Jordanelle Reservoir. The Middle Provo River stretches from Jordanelle down to Deer Creek Reservoir. The Lower Provo is the most well known and runs from Deer Creek down into Utah Lake.

On a recent trip up the Mirror Lake Highway we stopped at the Provo River Falls of the Upper Provo River. The falls are separated into 3 sections. You can see the main portion by stopping at the parking lot (between mile marker 23 and 24) and taking the short walk down to the overlook. The falls are really nice. It reminded us of Yellowstone.

Our boys at the overlook of the first section of the Provo River Falls.
The other 2 sections of falls are less than 100 yards down river from the first. There is a path that was once paved but is not very well maintained. Walk to your left along the river and you’ll see the lower falls come into view. Keep a close hand on little ones as the fall into the river would be a doozy.

If you walk down the trail just a bit, you can see the upper section
 is even taller than you thought.
The boys by the middle section of the Provo River Falls

They all wanted to touch the water, even the baby.
The best picture opportunity is at the first section on the overlook. There is a nice retaining wall to keep kids back, too. The middle section has a nice photo opportunity as well if you are willing to edge out on the rocks. To get any kind of picture of the lowest section, you have to climb goat-style down the rocks into the center of the river. That’s where the following photo was taken. You can see the kids standing to the right.

The lower section of the falls...we're in the trees on the right.

Dad climbed on the rocks in the river to get this shot.
If you travel along the Mirror Lake Highway, make sure to stop at the Provo River Falls. The Mirror Lake Highway is a fee highway ($6).

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