Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tooele Pioneer Museum

The Pioneer Museum in Tooele was small, but awesome. We were amazed at all the old pioneer relics that had been placed in this museum. We were also lucky enough to have the museum all to ourselves and therefore the guide could give us special attention. That definitely made the trip more special as he let our boys try out lots of items in the museum that otherwise we might not have been able to touch. I think this museum is rather small and not visited often, so if you venture out to Tooele, you will probably get the same treatment.

The front room has a large conestoga wagon and handcart, as well as other items used in crossing the plains. There is a small room off to the side filled with Native American artifacts. There were a ton of arrowheads, and all from one man's collection. We spent a long time in this room admiring the collection.

The arrowheads

The boys were lucky enough to sit in the wagon.

Enjoying the pioneer relics.
The other room of the museum has a variety of items. It is separated into sections: kitchen, music, army, barber shop, bedroom, etc. We were fascinated with the old phonograph--check out the video below. We also liked looking at the old telephone switchboard. Our guide also let the boys take a turn with the milk separator. They had a hard time turning it, but it's good for them to see the hard work pioneers had to do.

We loved the old pump organs.

The boys got to try out the milk separator.

We love school!

This museum is run by the Sons of the Utah Pioneers, but if you decide to visit the Tooele Pioneer Museum, make sure to see if the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers museum next door is open, too. Both of these museums are free and if you enjoy pioneer history, you will definitely enjoy these museums.

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