Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bell Canyon Reservoir

The start of our hike. The trail is pretty rocky for the first while.
For our last hike of the season we decided to do something close to the valley floor. (It's snowed in the high mountains already!) We chose an "urban hike" in Sandy city that climbs the benches and ends up at a small reservoir.

The hike is fairly short, under a mile (some say .7) one-way. It begins at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon and climbs quickly up the foothills. The grade is only steep for the first few hundred yards, and then it levels out a little, and the trail becomes less rocky. A lot of people were on this trail on a Saturday, and it is likely that you'll see a lot of amateur hikers because of the proximity to Sandy City.

Before you know it, you'll climb over a lip and see a pretty little reservoir. It is down in a hole, and the water level was quite low. There is catch-and-release fishing, but no pets are allowed because this is a watershed area.

I was glad we did this hike in the fall...the colors were beautiful.
I think the spring would be nice to because the reservoir would be full.

It was very picturesque.
We took the opportunity to hike around the reservoir and had quite an adventure-- or misadventure. We took a side trail that led down to the water to show the boys the birds there (we saw a few mallards and some Canadian geese). On the way around, the trail led up to a spring and disappeared. We tried to cross the large boulders there and found ourselves in a pretty sticky situation. Dad, with the baby in the backpack, had to help Mom and the two older boys (4 and 7) scurry across huge boulders. Then we had to climb and claw our way back up to the trail. Word to the wise: Stay on the well-defined trail and do not stray. It got ugly fast.

We liked this hike. It was short and easy. And although you climb the entire way up to the reservoir, it is gradual enough that you don't feel winded. We probably covered less than 2 miles including the hike up and back and the trip around the reservoir.

To get to the trailhead, go to the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon (Wasatch Blvd and Little Cottonwood Road (which is 9400 S). As you head east on Little Cottonwood Road, you'll see a trailhead with parking and restrooms less than 100 feet up the road.

These signs are at the start of the hike.
There are some great views of the valley on this hike because
you start so close to the city. See the traffic light right there?

Our boys loved this hike.

The trail around the reservoir is pretty easy. It starts and ends on this wide dirt path.
We even let our one year old out of the backpack to hike on this part of the trail.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog and love it! Thanks for taking the time to post about all of your adventures. This looks like a great hike.
