Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas Events Coming SOON!

We have had lots of questions about some upcoming Christmas events. Since some of these require tickets, we want to give you a heads up before it is too late.

Alpine Living Nativity: December 5-9, 2013. This year they are requiring tickets. There are only 5,000/night. That seems like a lot, but last I checked most of the nights were quickly filling up. So if you are interested, visit their new website and request FREE tickets now. For more info, read our review from last year.

Polar Express in Lindon: November 30 - December 14, 2013. In order to ride the Polar Express, you must submit a reservation. If you are randomly selected, someone from the Stringtown Express will contact you to schedule your time. All reservations will be filled by December 1st, so click here to go to the reservation page. If you want to read about all the fun we had, read our review here.

Here are some "Mark Your Calendars" Christmas events that we have enjoyed in year's past.

Echoes of Christmas: December 12-14, 16-18 in Liberty Park. 

Larry H. Miller Christmas Sing A Long: December 16 @ 7:00 PM in Energy Solutions Arena. Doors open at 5:30. We have never been able to make this one, but we always hear it is a lot of fun. Free Admission.

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