Saturday, February 22, 2014

Great Basin Museum in Delta

Great Basin Museum is located in the small town of Delta in western Utah. We stopped by the museum, located on the south side of Main Street (you can't miss it) while we were in the area.

This museum is small, but there are some pretty cool displays. Our boys loved the model train that represented the old railroad stop of Lynndyl just north of here. We also enjoyed the rock display, and Dad got 100% on naming the types of rock! In one small room, they turned off the lights and we could see the minerals in the rocks glow in two different wavelengths of light. Another section filled with old tools also had a guessing game about what each tool was used for. We didn't do as well there, but found out about some interesting things.

This horse and carriage greets you as you enter the museum.

We spent a lot of time watching the train! Choo Choo!

Those rocks glow in the dark!
There were tons of old phones, typewriters, Victorolas, and other pioneer artifacts. They have a section with items from some of the wars, as well as a section with Native American artifacts. We also enjoyed looking at the replica of an old time store that was set up, especially the old cash registers. The museum was free (donation suggested) and the staff walked through much of it with us, explaining and chatting. If you're in the Delta area, spend a half hour at Great Basin Museum.

We liked looking through the store.

Our boys were excited to see the old toys on display.

There are lots of interesting pioneer artifacts to enjoy.

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