Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Springville Art Museum

We've had the Springville Art Museum on our list for a long time, but we were unsure of how our boys would do in such a strict setting. We do a lot of museums (see our tab at the left), but not always the modern interactive kind, so we were a little worried about how our boys age 7, 4, and 1 would react. The results were mixed. Our 7 and 4 year-old were amazing. They were engaged, asking and answering questions, talking about their favorite pieces, and discussing the art with Dad. Our 1 year-old was a different story. He only really liked one piece-- a sculpture with many moving parts, which he kept choo-chooing at, even though it wasn't a train. He wanted to be able to run and touch and shout in the echoing hallways. By the end, he, and Mom who was talking care of him had had enough!

The Museum has huge halls and rooms. It is a beautiful place.

Our one year old loved this water sculpture.
Springfield Art Museum is awesome for the older kids, though. They have both sculptures and pictures made in all styles. There is a permanent display that doesn't change, and rotating displays that are replaced at regular intervals. The permanent display features 4 really prominent pieces. There are 2 statues, one of Massasoit, a famous Native American, that stands over 10 feet tall. Another is a marble statue of a mother holding her baby. There is a very large picture of the Salt Lake Valley circa 1900. Another hall includes a large collection of Soviet-era art.

The temporary displays when we visited were the fantastical art of James Christensen and the annual high school art contest contest winners. We really enjoyed looking at all this art, and I was amazed how much our 2 older boys enjoyed it. We spent nearly an hour, and they could've done much more. If you've got children over 3, check out the Springville Art Museum.

A shark! Yes!

The boys were excited to see this piece of art because
we have the unaltered image hanging in our  home

The upstairs gallery

We loved the James Christensen artwork.
This one is full of fairy tales.

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