Sunday, April 20, 2014

Museum of Moab

The Museum of Moab is a small museum, but has a wide variety of things to see. There are dinosaur bones and fossils, mining remnants, native american relics, pioneer items, and a section about the history of Moab. The displays are easy to see, but watch your kids because even the million year old dinosaur fossils are easily accessible to little hands.

The museum has some fun things for the kids to do. There are lizards hidden throughout the displays (40 of them!). Our boys wanted to find all of them, and it kept them interested as we wandered around. They earned a prize because they did find them all. They also had the chance to grind corn like the Native Americans did. And take a turn at the player piano...You can find out if you would have made a living in an old west saloon.

This museum is small, but we spent about an hour searching for lizards and learning about Moab. It is a little pricey for the size: $5/adult, $10/family, but we enjoyed our time at the museum. It was a nice relaxing afternoon after hiking in Arches.

The dinosaur & fossil room

Trying out the player piano

Grinding's a lot of work.

Try to find all the lizards.

There are lots of different displays to check out.
This one has old medical supplies.

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