Saturday, June 14, 2014

Blanding Visitor's Center

The Blanding Visitor's Center
The Blanding Visitor's Center is an essential stop is you are in the Blanding area. There is a small museum with some interesting artifacts and a gift shop. The museum includes scenes from Blanding's early days, and it is free. It will only take a few minutes to walk through. There are histories about the families who settled Blanding as well as other pioneer artifacts.

The small museum is a large room inside the Visitor's Center.

There is a cowboy camp display.

We all enjoyed the old baseball uniform and glove, ball and bat.

The reason we stopped at the Blanding Visitor's Center was for information. The little old man working the desk asked us what we planned to do in the Blanding area over the next few days. We told him of several sites we were interested in, and he excused himself. He came back a few minutes later with 7 brochures from the places we'd mentioned and others he thought we'd be interested in. He also rolled out the map and showed us how to get several of these sites.

Plan to spend about 30 minutes in the Blanding Visitor's Center if you're in town. Oh, and they give out free Tootsie Pops!

The Blanding Visitor's Center is located at 12 North Grayson Parkway, but you can see it on the east of Highway 191 as you come into town from the north. During the summer they are open 8 AM -8 PM, but in the winter only 8 AM -4 PM.

In the Visitor's Center there are souvenirs to purchase,
 but also this neat piece of petrified wood.

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