Friday, June 13, 2014

Huck's Museum in Blanding

Huck's Museum in Blanding
Huck's Museum is an interesting experience. This is a small museum in Blanding with an incredible amount of artifacts. You enter the trading post and an old feller named Huck, who is somewhere between 80 and 200 years old sizes your group up and tells you what to pay. We had our three kids and the two of us and got charged 20 bucks, but I'm pretty sure he could've said $35 or $10 just as easily.

Huck opens the museum and leads you in his wheelchair through his massive collection of artifacts. In a raspy voice that is barely audible he tells about individual artifacts, makes slightly misogynistic jokes, and tells stories about his favorite pieces. He only let us take one picture in the museum; I'm not sure the reason for that, but it could be that he's afraid of these new fandangled cameras nowadays. He gets pretty worried and makes teeth-sucking noises if the kids touch the glass cases that house most of the artifacts.

It would take you months to look at every piece that Huck has collected. There are 642 ax heads on one wall panel! He has thousands of beads and arrowheads (one coffee table size case alone claims to house 7,745 artifacts). There are necklaces and blankets and everything you could imagine. There are even odds and ends like Huck's mother's ticket to the 1938 World's Fair.

Almost all the items, though, are of the Native American variety. My favorite things to see were a few ancient axes with wooden handles still attached. There are hundreds of sandals, thousands of pottery shards (he made a map of the US from some he specially cut), and large intact pots that are pretty cool, too.

Huck is a character, but it's unlikely he'll be around for many more summers. You better stop by and see his amazing collection while you still can!

Huck's Museum is located at 1243 South Main St. in Blanding, Utah. He doesn't have set hours--see sign below.

Huck has a large rock garden out front of his shop.

Sorry for the glare, but here's the info about hours of operation.

We could only take one picture, so I took one that showed his large room.
We were amazed at the number of items he had collected.

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