Monday, October 7, 2013

Animal Ark Pet Store

Now that the weather is cooling off, I am always looking for adventures we can do inside. This is a simple, easy, short, and FREE adventure: visit your local pet store. We have an awesome pet store that we decided to visit last week when it was too cold to do the outdoor adventure we had planned.

Animal Ark Pet Store is on 500 E and State Street in American Fork. It's a small pet store, but it has a wide variety of animals. When we first walked in there were lizards, geckos, and tarantulas--yuck. Around the corner was the aisle full of fish, and just past that were hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, and a ferret. They of course had puppies and kittens, plus some birds and large snakes. We enjoyed seeing the chameleon up by the cash register.

Bearded Dragon
We were amazed that it was busy on a Friday evening. I think a few other people might have had the same idea that we had. So, if you ever need to get out of the house for 45 minutes, head over to the pet store. Stay warm and enjoy looking at the animals.

Our one year old LOVED the puppies.

The lizard kept staring at him.

Lots and lots of fish!

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