Monday, June 9, 2014

BYU Planetarium

BYU has a planetarium on the 4th floor of the Eyring Science Center. We visited earlier this year for Astrofest, but we wanted to go to an actual planetarium show. The BYU planetarium holds shows on Friday nights at 7:00 and 8:00 during their Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters. After the shows (if it is dark enough), they will open the large telescope at the top of the ESC so you can view objects in the night sky.

Tonight we watched a short movie about the universe and then the professor showed us the current June sky and helped us find constellations as well as a few deep sky objects (star clusters, nebulae, etc.). She was very knowledgable and answered all of our questions. We had a fun time and our boys enjoyed knowing some of the constellations she pointed out. It was a little long for our almost two year old--the show was about an hour--but he loved the movie and lasted through half of the star talk. There were only about 15 people in the planetarium for our early show, but there was a line for the 8:00 show when we left.

The shows at the BYU planetarium cost $2/person, cash or check only. You can check their schedule here. There is only one more show in June before they close for summer, but they will start shows again in September.


  1. You can do shows during the day with a group as well (during the school year), we actually are going with our neighborhood tomorrow morning, and the shows are geared to kids. We did a preschool show a few years ago and tomorrow are doing an elementary show. And its only $1 during the day.

    1. Thanks so much for this info! Our neighborhood goes on outings together, too, so we will have to try the planetarium next. Thanks again.
